Steering committee
Steering committee content
Affiliates leads
Connect to and help collaborate with affiliates and allied internal networks including: BAME network, Liberate.ED and EUSA, GENDER.ED, Edinburgh Race Equality Network, Womxn of Color and Gender Minority Network, Race and Inclusivity in Global Network (RIGEN) and UncoverED.
Cross-discipline leads
Help support connectivity and inter-disciplinarity by identifying colleagues and activity that RACE.ED may collaborate with across the University.
Teaching programmes leads
Lead the development of the 2020-2021 in practice race module and scale up to the large cross-university Understanding Race in Contemporary Society in 2021-2022.
RACE.ED Stuart Hall Foundation Fellowship
The RACE.ED Stuart Hall Foundation Fellowship, hosted by IASH and RACE.ED, is available to postdoctoral scholars working in any area of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Support, web and communications leads
Help maintain and update the web platform, and promote RACE.ED through social media communications channel internally and externally.